
Ahhhh, Theta Mom Thursday!

It's time for Theta Mom Thursday! YAY! I had mine on Wednesday of this week, I had two hours to MYSELF! I went wild, I partied, I danced....hmmmm, okay I read my latest O Magazine edition and took a long bath!
Just so happens that my husband and the kids were going to my in-laws but I was in the middle of dishes and wanted to get somethings accomplished in the house. So he agreed and took them with him while I stayed to "clean" the house. Once I did the dishes and straightened up the living room a little I sat on my ass for about an hour watching 106 and Park on BET (catching up on my videos, lol).
Weirdly enough I didn't experience any form of guilt this time around. I usually do but not this time! I have been so exhausted with running around like a mad woman lately that I really needed a small amount of time to do nothing but something for me.
Ahhhhhh....thank you Heather at Theta Mom for reminding all of us that it's okay to spend time to ourselves and not feel guilty!
Enjoy your time ladies!


  1. Woo Hoo! I love it! Nothing better than a little O Mag and a long bath! Sounds fabulous Momma Michie! BTW, isn't it the best when the hubs takes the kids so you can "clean?" LOL
    Fabulous time out! Thanks so much for joining us. You are awesome!!!

  2. 2 hours? awesome! :o) i always tell my husband i need to "clean" too...or cook dinner-so he'll take the kids out of my hair...err, outside ;o) tee hee

  3. Mmmmm, that sounds nice. Being able to hear what is on t.v., and then being able to hear NOTHING while you are in the bath. Perfect. Good for you for not feeling any guilt!

  4. Sounds to relaxing! A long bath! What was it like? Tell me more!

    And please, tell your guilt to go take a hike next time it appears on your door step. You work hard and deserve to put your feet up.

    I am now following you.

    I linked up to Theta Mom too...

  5. So jealous right now LOL....

    Happy time out thursday!


  6. Awww, thank you lovely ladies for all the sweet comments!

    Today has been a whole different ballpark and I've been really busy with the kids and my abuela. I sure am glad that I got that rest when I did! : )

  7. I love that you were guilt-free this time! Hope that continues. Stopping by to say hello from SITS roll call. :o)
