
No Speakie Ingles (Probably Gonna Offend You!)

I have never posted twice in one day before but I really need to vent about this one! On my Yahoo! front page was an article by the Dallas News that REALLY PISSED ME OFF! It says that in the past three years there have been 39 tickets written to drivers for NOT SPEAKING ENGLISH! WTF!
The latest person ticketed was pulled over for making an illegal u-turn and leaving her license at home...this I can understand. Adding on the ticket to be fined for being a "Non-English Speaking Driver" is just pure racist.
I don't really care what any one's opinion is of Hispanics in this country....Get Over It! It's not going to change, WE (Yes, I am Irish-Cuban!) are not going anywhere. Thinking about it, hell just about everyone one here is a product of immigration. If someone in your family didn't get on a boat, a plane or run the border line to come to this country you probably wouldn't be here.
Even though I am American born and speak English and Spanish there are more times than not where I feel the brush of racism. Someone always has a little remark about immigration and illegal "aliens" and of course how "those people" need to speak English or go back to "their country". Shut the Hell Up! It sounds so ignorant and makes me just want to speak Spanish even more just to piss you off! This is just what I do, I will hang pictures of my beautiful bi-racial children up at work, hang my Cuban and American flags in my rear view mirror and just for fun call up my "Non-Speaking English" Abuela and carry on a full blown Spanish conversation just to make you uncomfortable. Yup, this is where the Bitch comes out in me! I have absolutely no tolerance for stupidity or ignorance and will piss you off even more with a smile on my face. : )
Okay, back to the article, it goes on to say that it probably was a "Sincere mistake" (yeah right) and published a public apology to the Spanish-Speaking Community. All of the monies collected are to be refunded to those that received the citations. Whooo-Hoooo! Zippity Do Da! What about the way they made them feel about their culture. As if it's not hard enough to come to this country and try to fit in regardless if you are Asian, Hispanic, Hebrew, Indian, African, EVERYONE DESERVES TO BE TREATED WITH RESPECT!!!!
I'm done venting and making enemies now. I just wish this country and world would realize life is too damn short to worry about what language someone speaks or what color their skin is. Seems pretty sad that so many still continue to do so. I guess/hope/pray one of these days it will be different.
Click Here to see the report done by a Local Dallas News Station.


  1. I wish I could truthfully say that I was shocked and appalled by the report. Truth is, I'm not shocked. Disgusted, yes! Shocked, no! I can't tell you the kind of treatment I got from "grown-ups" when my Jamaican accent was stronger. Mind you, I spoke English, but if you don't sound "American" (whatever that means!) you're clearly somehow less than...! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Hey :-) I stumbled over from a link on another site. It boggles the mind the way people think/act/and justify their own ignorance. Two big thumbs up for a great rant and nice to meet you!

  3. I really don't like to post when I'm upset but I couldn't help it and had to let some of it off my chest.

    I'm not shocked by the ignorance that still lingers in this country/world. It is just so pathetic that so many people live with such closed minds.

    Thanks for the positive comments, it's nice to know I didn't offend too many people! lol

  4. wow! That is a big deal! i am from brasil (but basically raised here) and yes I agree with you that is racist!!!
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  5. Just found your blog, and had to comment. I work at a TV station (not in Texas) and saw this story (actually put it on our air, too). A follow up for you-- that woman hired a lawyer, and with his help, they've forced the entire DPD to do a full-on investigation... looks like a lot of heads will roll! I agree, it's never right to "profile", accidentally or not!

